Tuesday, October 7, 2014

The "Don't think of..." Game

I came up with a game to help calm myself down whenever my brain won't shut up. There are endless projects and things I want to do so I get stressed about how I'll manage to fit all of them into my life. I think it's good to think things out as much as possible, but sometimes (like when I'm trying to sleep) I just want to distract myself. As I was driving and thinking about how annoying thought can be, it reminded me of a conundrum someone once told me: If you try not to think about something, you will think about it. The example he gave was a rhinoceros and immediately a rhino popped into my head (his horn poked my hippocampus). As I drove I tried to think of the silliest things I could, and my brain conjured up the images afterward. "Don't think of... hippies playing frizbee with onion rings." It made me smile and calm down. Maybe if your brain is misbehaving you can enjoy this game too. Here are some other things I came up with:

I drew all of them except the tomato-helicoper, David did that one and I inked and colored it in. His helicopter knowledge exceeds my own.

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