Saturday, August 2, 2014

The name of this blog comes from a common excuse most of us use when we want to make a difference in the world but feel like we can't: "I'm only one person." Well, guess what? Everyone is only one person. It wouldn't really be fair if some people were two people (Though I'd like to try that). Despite the seemingly small impact each of us has, humanity continues to advance at a mind-boggling speed, both technologically and societally. It's hard to understand how people working independently can create a chain reaction that leads to societal changes.

I wanted to create this blog a long time ago, but I'm pretty private and don't think my life is any more interesting than most. It seemed hard to justify. But there was a book that I read recently that made me realize how helpful this could be. (I know- when someone says they read a good book lately is when my mind often starts wandering, but bear with me.) The book was "The Power of Habit" By Charles Duhigg. What I learned was: 1) Creating one positive habit in your life can lead to more good habits and positive changes. And 2) Change on a societal level can only be accomplished when the leader is part of a social structure. The example he gave was Rosa Parks. She wasn't the first black person to be arrested for not riding in the back of the bus. The reason why people got upset was because she was so admired in many areas of the community of Montgomery Alabama. Black people and white respected and loved her, so when she was arrested it was seen as a great injustice. Some of her friends seized on the opportunity and boycotted the bus system. They circulated the call to boycott to the local black churches. A lot of the people attending the churches knew Rosa or her reputation in the community. When her friends decided to join the boycott, so did the friends of those friends. If anyone had refused, their position in the social group would have suffered. The boycott lasted 381 days until the city repealed its law requiring segregation on public buses.

It should go without saying that I don't consider myself as admirable as Rosa Parks. I don't want or expect to be seen as a hero. I think social change more often occurs in this way without the originator(s) ever being known.

Now I guess I should get to my mission-statement. It may seem pathetically inadequate to battle the negative effects humans have had on the environment. But if my habit becomes someone else's, it could spread to wider societal change.

My plan is to pick up trash every day. I live in a fairly urban neighborhood so there is no shortage of garbage on the street. I have a five gallon bucket that I carry up and down the block picking up trash (with a picker-upper so I don't have to touch nasty things or broken glass). I've already been doing this about once a week for a year and a half, and manage to fill the bucket by the time I reach the end of the block (sometimes sooner).

I had the idea to do this a couple years ago when I still lived with my parents. I took my dog Johnny on walks, and when I remembered to I'd take a plastic bag and pick up trash. They live in a nicer suburban area, so it would've taken me all day to fill up the 5 gallon bucket. It might seem silly, but I'm almost glad I live in a trashier (literally) part of town now so I can help more. Of course I'd rather it not be there in the first place, but since it is, I feel the need to try to clean it up.

Near where I live in California.
First bag of trash I picked up when I lived at my parent's house when I first wanted to start this blog. If pictures of bags of trash aren't your bag, I've decided it's better to take pictures of the trash in it's (un)natural environment. I'll try to take pictures of places before and after I clean them.

Litter was always something that made me sad, so I tried not to think about it. Eventually I started to feel like I was as bad as the litterer by ignoring the problem. There must have been other people who felt the same way as I did and did nothing about it. They probably were busy too, or didn't want to sacrifice for something that wasn't their fault. People shouldn't have to clean up after someone else who was careless- people shouldn't be careless, but they are. There are assholes in the world and nothing will change that, but I think the majority of people aren't assholes. Most people wouldn't purposefully litter, but everyone has to deal with the consequences of those who do.

My goal with this blog is to see how much I can do as one person. My main focus will be picking up trash every day, but there are other goals I want to work towards that fit within the broader idea of "Only One Person." The other goals might not be things that make the world a better place, but will hopefully broaden my appreciation for the world, or allow me to see what I'm capable of. They might even seem silly or pointless, but I like having something to work toward.

When I thought of doing this blog a long time ago I wondered how I was going to think of new things to write about in regards to picking up trash. Then as I was reading "The Power of Habit", I realized how narrow most people's experience with the world is. People create habits that they follow throughout most of their days. Everyone has hobbies that they always go to because they make them happy, but think of what you could be missing. If doing the same thing consistently makes you happy I don't see a problem with it, but it can get boring. I have often thought of how many things are going on in the world, and I'm only experiencing a fraction of it. There are bands that I love that I didn't used to know, and I wonder how many are out there that I would love just as much. Most of them I'll probably never find, but I should still make an effort to seek out new experiences. Some of the new things I try I may not pursue further, but others could become new habits that will make my life richer.

The first goal, I've already stated. I've been picking up trash almost every day for the past week. It's been hard to motivate myself to do it because it's been around 90 degrees in the day time. Plus every day I have to go over to my parents to be with my dog Johnny while my parents are at work. He is 13 years old, and has incontinence issues and trouble getting up. I still love being with him, and since we got him pain medication he seems happy. But it's hard to do everything that needs to get done here when I need to go over there every day.

Me and Johnny when he was young.
Old Johnny enjoying a chin scratch.
I thought it would be interesting if I tried to set a new goal for myself each month. I just finished Camp Nanowrimo (National Novel Writing Month) by writing 10,000 words in a month. It was really hard because I'm a slow writer, but it was good to know that if I give myself a deadline it's easier to achieve something. My goal for this month is to get my Etsy store running again (It's an online store for selling crafts). I put it on hold while I was on my honeymoon in Utah. Before that I didn't have a camera for a while, which is necessary for taking pictures of what you want to sell. If you want to look at the store, it's  Here are some examples of things I want to sell:



Another goal I'm working on is more silly and definitely won't change anyone's world for the better but my own. I'm going to listen to every single song in my itunes library. That might seem like an easy one, and it is, but it will take a long time. I have 11,330 songs, the total time of which add up to around 32 days. A lot of them I've never heard because I used to download discographies of bands that I like and never listen to all the albums.

Thank you for reading this. Maybe if people encourage me I can encourage others. Hopefully to do something worthwhile like picking up trash, and not just listening to music. :)


  1. I love the idea of this blog :) I don't think anyone is ever "just" one person. They are all extraordinary in their own ways.

  2. Thank you. I agree :) And thanks for following me!

  3. Good Luck Whitney! I'll keep checking on you! :)
